la faim



every now and again, i get caught up in how much
i love food.
this mainly happens everyday.
today, i was extremely hungry and
couldn't get enough.

i ate breakfast like the french
at le pain quotidien.
dark chocolate, hazelnut, chocolate hazelnut, speculose spreads and coffee black.

and simply because i just can't get enough,
i made my self a little
late lunch.
a baby kale and pepperocini salad.

 i probably forgot to mention that there's a burger patty on this salad.

1 cup baby kale
1/4 lemon
2 tbsp. olive oil
1 garden burger patty
1/8 avocado
small handful of sprouts
pepperocinis to your liking
1 tsp. feta
pepper/salt/garlic powder to taste

this is hands down the easiest, and one of my ultimate favorite, lunch for one. 

warm a small pan over medium heat, drop in enough oil/butter to coat the pan. when hot, place your burger patty in the center of the pan. sprinkle some pepper, salt and a little bit of garlic powder on the side facing up. after about 4 minutes, flip your burger. while this starts to crunch up, grab your kale, olive oil, and lemon. drop the kale on your plate and squeeze that lemon all over. after another 3-4 minutes, remove the patty from the heat and place ontop of your salad. now we stack. i go sprouts, avo, feta, pepperocinis.. but it would be silly to tell you there is a right way to do that. after its stacked up high, drizzle the remaining olive oil over everything. i personally add more pepper because, like my reason for everything else, i just can't get enough. you are now allowed to eat.

 i'm a fan of things that make my mouth pucker; vinegar soaked pepperocinis and tons of lemon make this "salad" one of my favorite cravings.

and don't doubt
for one second that
i won't be cooking dinner.
because all i think about, all day,
is what i'm going to eat next.

"la faim"
"the hunger"
which is insatiable inside me